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Friday 4 September 2009

6 Dirtiest Objects

Watching the US movie MY SASSY GIRL ...... alot similar to Korean MY SASSY GIRL ... and the korean movie is much much better and touching ...
finally come out with this list of dirtiest objects around us ...some of them v use it everyday ....
1 . Bags -- Usually ppl seldom wash their bags .... v cant wash leather made bags too ... especially branded expensive bags are the dirtiest ... ppl bring it to toilet , in the dirty public transportation, shopping , market , etc ... ppl wont soak it in water for hours .. can u imagine tat ur LV bags in the washing machine and hang outside under the sun ? ..... or did u notice anyone do tat ??? according to some investigation , some of the ladies' bags contained more bacteria than the toilet bowl ..... if Dettol come out with a anti-bacteria bags spray , it will probably be the hottest product in the market ...WE BATH EVERYDAY BUT BAG NEVER BATH
2 . Books -- bring books to toilet is a common act among us .... comic books and magazine are highly suspected bacteria contained objects ....
3 . Trolleys -- the trolleys mentioned here are the trolleys in supermarket .... few days ago i saw it in a magazine , it said tat trolleys are very very dirty , it usually stained with "poo poo" and bacteria tat will cause diarrhea ...... so it is recommended some anti-bacteria wet tissue to wipe it b4 u use ...
4 . Mobile Phones -- it always fall off from ur pocket to the ground especially in the toilet ....somemore u will nvr wash ur mobile phone ..
5 . Contact lens case -- full of bacteria ... have to sock it in hot water once in a while ..
6 . Mattress -- u will nvr wash ur mattress .. somemore if u rent a house , the mattress tat u sleep on it was slept by many ppl who u may not know .... recently there is a kinda spray tat can spray on the mattress in the market ...

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